Reserve the spirit rock to celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, wish someone good luck on a competition, congratulatory events, thank a teacher, etc.
The cost to reserve the rock is $10 the week. Rental forms will be taken on a first come/first serve basis.
Rent the ROCK!!!
Things You Need to Know...
Rental is first come, first serve. There are no cancellations or refunds. Rental is for rain or shine. Please bring exact change for payment (CASH ONLY) and the rental form in an envelope to Mrs. Riek in the main office.
Renter is responsible for all supplies to paint the rock. It takes about 1 gallon of exterior paint to cover the spirit rock and at least 2 cans of spray paint for your message.
Rock rental begins on the Saturday before the first day of your reservation and ends on Friday at 6pm on the last day of your reservation.
All rules outlined in the Student Code of Conduct must be followed. No profanity, obscenity, derogatory language, bullying, racial slurs, or any other inappropriate material, symbols, or gestures.
Rock rental is only available during the academic calendar year. There are no rentals on school holidays or summer break.
Renter should clean up area around the rock after finished painting.